Select Publications
(Please visit Google Scholar for a complete publication list.)
Inquiry-Based Learning with RoboGen: An Open-Source Software and Hardware Platform for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. JE Auerbach, A Concordel, PM Kornatowski, D Floreano. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2018.
The Seamless Peer and Cloud Evolution Framework. G Leclerc, JE Auerbach, G Iacca, D Floreano. GECCO 2016.
Gaining Insight into Quality Diversity. JE Auerbach, G Iacca, D Floreano. Evolution in Cognition Workshop at GECCO 2016.
WebAL Comes of Age: A review of the first 21 years of Artificial Life on the Web. T Taylor, JE Auerbach, JC Bongard, J Clune, S Hickinbotham, C Ofria, M Oka, S Risi, KO Stanley, J Yosinski. Artificial Life 22 (3), 2016.
Environmental influence on the evolution of morphological complexity in machines. JE Auerbach, JC Bongard - PLoS computational biology, 2014.
Robogen: Robot generation through artificial evolution. JE Auerbach, D Aydin, A Maesani, P Kornatowski, T Cieslewski, G Heitz, P Fernando, I Loshchilov, Ilya, L Daler, D Floreano - ALife 14, 2014.
Online extreme evolutionary learning machines. JE Auerbach, C Fernando, D Floreano - Artificial Life 14, 2014.
Automated evolution of interesting images. JE Auerbach - ALife 13, 2012.
Evolving complete robots with CPPN-NEAT: the utility of recurrent connections. JE Auerbach, JC Bongard - GECCO 2011.
Evolving CPPNs to grow three-dimensional physical structures. JE Auerbach, JC Bongard - GECCO 2010.
Dynamic resolution in the co-evolution of morphology and control. JE Auerbach, JC Bongard -ALIfe 12, 2010.